The daily leetcode problem for June 20th 2024.
The problem asks to maximize the minimum magnetic force between two balls. For this type of problem, it's easy to check if x magnetic force can be achieved, simply sort the positions array in ascending order and check if you could place m balls separated by at least x.
However, how do you find the maximum this minimum x can be? Binary search! For all problems that say maximize a minimum or minimize a maximum binary search should be considered as an option. In this case if a large x doesn’t work even larger x won’t work, so it's possible to eliminate the possibilities from the search space with an easy binary search.
- Sort the positions, these don’t come sorted.
- Write a binary search loop to find the maximum minimum distance of balls, use a helper function to check is x can be achieved for m balls and eliminate possibilities in the search space accordingly.
const canMake = (position, m, target)=>{
let prev = position[0];
for(let i = 1; i < position.length && m > 0; i++){
if(Math.abs(prev - position[i]) >= target){
prev = position[i];
return m==0;
const maxDistance = (position, m) => {
let minim = 1, maxim = 1e9;
position.sort((a,b)=> a-b);
while(minim != maxim){
let mid = Math.ceil((minim + maxim) / 2);
const canAchieve = canMake(position, m, mid);
if(canAchieve) {
minim = mid;
} else {
maxim = mid - 1;
return minim;
Time: O(nlogn + min(n,m) * log(1e9))
Space: O(n)
Assuming sort is mergesort.